Public and Council engagement on the 2022 budget begins in next couple weeks. Below are the key dates; for more information about what is happening on these dates click here.
- November 1 draft budget documents will be published on the website
- November 9 6-8 pm virtual PIC (Public Information Centre) on the budget; to hear the presentation and to provide comments/feedback it will be necessary to pre-register with Finance Department at
- November 10 draft fees and charges to be effective January 1,2022 will be published on the website
- November 15 draft budget (operating and capital) and draft fees and charges presented to Council at Committeeof Whole
- January 10 draft water and wastewater budget presented to Council at Committee of Whole
As is the current practice deputations from the public will be possible at the Committee of the Whole meetings; to do so it will be necessary to register by noon the day of the meeting at