News and Updates in King Township
I use this blog to inform you of issues within the Township which are being assessed at the Council table as well as tell you about events happening in the Township which are of interest.
Our Drinking Water Quality
On Council agenda for Feb. 10 there is the annual report for the 4 municipal drinking water systems as required. Each year when I receive this report I am so grateful to be in a municipality which is managing the water systems for the 4 villages so well. The report...
Via Moto (Nobleton) Phase 3
On February council agenda there is a staff report regarding phase 3 of the Fandor development known as Via Moto. This development is north side of King Road west HWY 27 in Nobleton. As reviewed in the reporrt approval of the subdivision agreement and bylaw is...
Volunteer Appreciation
Each year, the Township of King wants to honour and celebrate one of the Township’s most important resources: its volunteers. The nomination period for 2025 has now opened. This is your opportunity to shine a spotlight on the unsung hero in your life who embodies the...
Climate Resilient Agriculture
On February 21 there is a workshop on Climate Resilient Agriculture. The session will be of particular interest to those with significant acreage which is farmed. In addition there are property owners in King who would not call themselves farmers but in fact do...
Official Plan Review
The Official Plan Review is underway. New discussion papers have been posted on the project website. On the website there is also a survey to which residents are asked to respond in order to describe how you envision your community to 2051, what aspects of your...
Revised Plan for Subdivision East Hwy27/South King Road
At the statutory public meeting on Monday February 3rd presenting applications for amendments to both the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw to facilitate creation of a subdivision on the east side of Hwy 27 south of King Rd on the lands currently referred to as...
Water Bills: Waiving Penalty Once
On January 27 Council meeting there is a report recommending waving the penalty for late payment of the September to October water and wastewater bill. I am supportive of this one time “forgiveness” for reasons identified in the report. i) The timing of the Canada...
Illegal Land Use
On January 27 Council meeting there is a motion by Councillor Anstey and seconded by Mayor Pellegrini asking the Province to strengthen our enforcement capability against illegal land use. I am very supportive of this resolution. In the resolution the numerous reasons...
Heritage Designations
On January 27 Council 3 bylaws are on the agenda to approve; each is to designate a specific building to be of cultural heritage or interest pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act. The 3 properties are : George Pringle House at 13092 Hwy 27, Crawford...
Official Plan Open Houses
Work has started to update the Official Plan (OP) of King Township. Whether you have lived in King for your whole life or if just moved here, your input is wanted. The OP is the overarching policy on how King will evolve as we grow to a population of 50,000 by...
Celebrate Official Opening of Zancor Centre
Many reasons for you and all the family to come to the official opening of the Zancor Centre on Sunday, January 26 enjoy pancakes, breakfast meats, real maple syrup at the annual Mayor's Pancake Breakfast watch the 1st game of the King Rebellion Jr. A in their new...
What a Deal: the RecPass!
One pass—countless opportunities for you and your family to play! A monthly RecPass gets residents unlimited access to drop-in recreational programming—including swimming, aquafit, skating, shinny hockey, sports and access to fitness equipment and classes. The RecPass...
Recent Comments
Thanks Debbie! I know people whose homes back onto the proposed subdivision. I'll let them know.
Our property standards bylaw would cover litter and perhaps manure storage. I don’t know if there is a bylaw which…
Re: Illegal land use This is an exciting step in a bold and positive direction. No doubt action on the…
Happy to hear about all 3 of these. I also find it incredulous that they are not already protected. We…
All good questions! That’s why there are these public meetings.
Hi Debbie, Thank you for highlighting this application for a zoning by-law amendment to allow for an on-farm diversified use.…
Hello Sheila, Glad you have checked out the Zancor Centre. 1. Regarding your concern about harassment in the co'ed change…
Having toured the facility, I do have a major concern about the co’ed change room and shower facilities. I personally…
Hello Catherine, I do appreciate you making your comment. Since reading it I have asked some questions about the issue…
Hello Debbie, I am a long time King City senior who has been attending aquafit classes in Maple. Aquafit is…