On council February 6 agenda there is a report recommending adoption of a bylaw which would include the 2023 operating budget, 2023 capital budget and the 2023 business plan for the Holland Marsh Drainage System. The details of that bylaw are consistent with what was presented at the January 23 council meeting. Very specifically it includes an operating budget net increase of $1.586 million representing a 4.95% average tax increase to the Township levy. York Region’s budget and the education tax rate is unknown; hence it is not known what the full property tax increase in 2023 will be. The impact of the Township proposed budget equates to an increase of $154 for the average residential home assessment of $997,929.
As I have said earlier, the magnitude of this increase is partly due to the very low increases of the past four years during which roles have not been filled in order to avoid the cost associated with that. I have reviewed the justifications for each new role, as provided in the budget book, and I think that we can no longer avoid filling these roles. And as I have said earlier the provincial government’s Bill 23 is also adding costs at the municipal level. Given the amount of development activity we can no longer be understaffed in Planning, particularly given the risk of having to refund developers if timelines are not met as is required in Bill 23.
I am very concerned that the budget is not adequate. We have not yet received a report from staff as to the implications of Bill 23. (This report is scheduled to be presented February 20.) Bill 23 precludes the work done by Conservation Authorities; hence we will need to buy that capability. I am also concerned that a meaningful effort to protect our built heritage assets given the changes to the Ontario Heritage Act will require more resources than currently budgeted.
As always you can make comments or ask questions about this report. Contact clerks@king.ca to register for making a deputation and/or send in your comments by email to clerks@king.ca by noon on Monday February 6 and they will be circulated to Council. And I welcome you to contact me directly or make a comment on my blog.