An amended budget and business plan is on the Feb. 5 Council agenda. As directed by Council in the previous Council meeting (Jan 29) Staff is presenting a budget offering a 0% increase in the Township property tax rate as opposed to an increase of 1.99%. To achieve either level of increase is remarkable given the need to absorb the costs of Bill 148, Fair Workplaces , Better Jobs Act which we estimate to be $300,000 (about 1 property tax point). In addition both original and amended budget were done on basis of no reduction in service levels.
The actual magnitude of the increase in property taxes for each property owner is dependent on their new MPAC assessment. 2018 is the 2nd year of the 4 year roll out of the new assessments. The Staff report includes tables, on pages 3 and 4, illustrating final tax levies for 3 different categories of MPAC assessment increases: less than 7%, more than 7% and 7%. As indicated in the Staff report there are policy decisions yet to be made by York Region which, if different than anticipated, would affect final tax levy.
To achieve 0% Staff have proposed a variety of changes to the budget proposal presented earlier. I consider the changes made as being reasonable.
Given the desire for 0% increase there are few program changes with a tax levy impact. Need for reliable sidewalk snow clearance is addressed. Funding for following critical needs is provided: renewal of our Parks Recreation & Culture Master Plan update ; Library Branch Services Co-ordinator. Details of program changes are in the Staff report.
The capital budget was approved for 2017 and 2018 in early 2017. During the 2018 budget process modifications to specific schedules were proposed but no additional funding was requested.
Here is link to the original budget proposal.