Our Drinking Water Quality

On Council agenda for Feb. 10 there is the annual report for the 4 municipal drinking water systems as required.  Each year when I receive this report I am so grateful to be in a municipality which is managing the water systems for the 4 villages so well.  The report...

Via Moto (Nobleton) Phase 3

On February council agenda there is a staff report regarding phase 3 of the Fandor development known as Via Moto.  This development is north side of King Road west HWY 27 in Nobleton.  As reviewed in the reporrt approval of the subdivision agreement and bylaw is...

Illegal Land Use

On January 27 Council meeting there is a motion by Councillor Anstey and seconded by Mayor Pellegrini asking the Province to strengthen our enforcement capability against illegal land use. I am very supportive of this resolution. In the resolution the numerous reasons...

Clean Electricity Regulation Motion

On December 9 Council agenda a motion about Clean Electricity Regulations (CER) which I tabled originally in the October 15 Council meeting will be debated.The motion presented in the agenda for Dec. 9 Council meeting is the same as the one tabled in Oct. 15 except...

20 Doctors Lane

On December 9 Council agenda there is a staff report to implement a zoning bylaw amendment for 20 Doctors Lane.  This is the site where a number of our local doctors work. Accordingly I really hope we can get this application moving more quickly.  The plan merits...