Approving Community Improvement Plan

Sep 18, 2014 | The Issues | 0 comments

The Staff report for Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for our 3 villages is on the agenda for Council 9/22; it recommends approval of the plan.  I am thrilled to see this report and to see us reach this stage as I believe that this program is a key enabler for the revitalization of our villages.  As the report makes very clear:  the revitalization is not going going to happen overnight; but a CIP  can provoke the beginning of a change.  A number of our business owners and residents participated in this exercise; I wish to thank them for caring enough about their village to participate.

The CIP sets the stage for change.

It will be up to Council every year to determine how big the budget will be for the program that year; and as the plan indicates, Council can even decide each year which kinds of activities or specific incentives they want to support that year.

And it is up the business owners in our villages to have the ideas and to make the application for financial support.

I am very pleased to see a couple changes in the final proposed plan vs the draft we saw at last Council.  The core area in King City has been enlarged to incorporate the Station Road at the GO station.  This makes total sense as that area is ripe for rejuvenation and it has a great deal of exposure because of the station.  Eligibility for a tax increment equivalent grant has been expanded to include an “historic property” i.e. listed on the registry or designated under the Ontario Heritage Act.

In addition to being thrilled with the substance of the Plan I must say that the simplicity of the Plan’s presentation and the plan itself is very noteworthy.  To read the Staff report and to see the report and appendices click here.


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