News and Updates in King Township

I use this blog to inform you of issues within the Township which are being assessed at the Council table as well as tell you about events happening in the Township which are of interest.

Annual Clean Up

Annual Clean Up

As part of Earth Week celebrations, King Township is inviting residents to participate in the annual King Community Clean-Up on April 20 and 21. This event encourages community members to take pride in their surroundings by helping to pick up litter and maintain the...

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Hope House Community Hospice Presentation

Monday April 15 Council agenda features a presentation about Hope House Community Hospice.  It will be given by Heidi Bonner (Executive Director) and Rhonda Flanagan (Director of Development.)  Several months ago I asked Ms Bonner if she would come to Council to make...

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2023 Operational Performance

On April 15 Council agenda there is a report presenting the 2023 service performance report. This is a new annual report.  Its purpose is to provide a review of the municipalities' operational performance from both a volume/demand and quality/value perspective. The...

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Procurement Decisions

On April 15 council agenda there two reports about procurement decisions.  One seeks approval for a single source solution for a system of software and hardware which will be implemented in our wastewater facilities. The recommended source is one which is used...

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Application to Demolish 2221 King Rd

On April 15 council agenda there is a staff report recommending approval of a demolition permit for the property at 2221 king Rd. (King Rd./Doctors Lane).  Council approval is required as the property is currently listed on the municipal register. As reviewed in the...

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King Community Climate Action Plan

A draft of the long awaited climate action plan for the community is now available.  On Monday April 15 there is a Council working session where it will be presented and Council will have opportunity to ask questions. The last paragraph of the executive summary states...

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Neighbourhood Plan Studies

Studies are starting for two areas, one in Nobleton and one in King City, to develop a vision for how we want these areas to evolve. I posted about these studies earlier and provided incorrect dates; the errors have now been corrected.  The events for the Nobleton one...

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Gardening Workshops

Gardening Workshops

A 3 part gardening series is being held at Cold creek Conservation Area.  The series is being offered by Community services.  I apologize for not posting earlier as the first one, "Pollinators in Crisis" has already occurred.   The subsequent sessions are about...

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Buildings In Face of Climate Change

Reminder:   Wednesday, March 27 7PM at Heritage and Cultural Centre hear Chris Ballard, CEO passive House Canada; good chance to ask your questions.  His talk will follow the annual general meeting of Climate action King. .

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Neighbourhood Plan Studies: Open Houses

King Township is launching a community-driven planning exercise to shape the future of priority core areas in the villages of King City and Nobleton. This initiative aims to establish a vision, plan and implement land-use regulations for Doctors Lane in King City and...

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Spring Cleaning Season Blooms!

Spring cleaning season blooms in King Township! Join us in preserving our green spaces this spring by bringing the spirit of community engagement and environmental stewardship to life.  Many activities are planned to welcome the warmer season; You can do them alone...

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Recent Comments


  1. Hi Debbie, Thank you for highlighting this application for a zoning by-law amendment to allow for an on-farm diversified use.…

  2. Hello Sheila, Glad you have checked out the Zancor Centre. 1. Regarding your concern about harassment in the co'ed change…

  3. Having toured the facility, I do have a major concern about the co’ed change room and shower facilities. I personally…

  4. Hello Catherine, I do appreciate you making your comment. Since reading it I have asked some questions about the issue…

  5. Hello Debbie, I am a long time King City senior who has been attending aquafit classes in Maple. Aquafit is…

  6. Thank you for the good news, Debbie Wishing you a wonderful New Year...swimming and sporting, and other good things.