News and Updates in King Township
I use this blog to inform you of issues within the Township which are being assessed at the Council table as well as tell you about events happening in the Township which are of interest.
Presentations of Interest at October 15 Council Agenda
At the beginning of the Oct. 15 council agenda there are two presentations which I think will be of interest. First one is about the King Township Food Bank by Geoff Simpson, President of the KTFB Second one York Region 2025 Transit initiatives by Tamas Hertel,...
Winter Maintenance For Our Roads
On Council Oct. 15 agenda there is a staff report recommending the solution for implementing the previously approved plan to modify the winter maintenance strategy for our roads. The latter will eliminate use of rock salt on our roads and the use of Thawrox treated...
Motion on Clean Electricity Regulations
At the October 9 Council agenda my motion about Canada's Clean Energy Regulations will be considered. It was seconded by Councillor Avia Eek. I decided to put forth this motion once I understood the principles of the Regulations: reduce greenhouse gas emissions,...
Tribute Nobleton
On Oct. 15 Council agenda there is a report recommending that the Mayor and Clerk sign the final Subdivision Agreement between the Township of King and Tribute Nobleton Holding pending final review. The Tribute subdivision initially was for 207 single detached...
Hwy Corridor 11
At the October 7 council meeting there is a statutory public meeting for amendments to our Official Plan, ”Our King, and the countryside zoning bylaw which will enable the establishment of a planning framework for the Hwy. 11 corridor. This is a very complex...
Apartments on Banner Lane
At the October 7 Council meeting there is a statutory public meeting for an application regarding 24 Banner Lane to amend the zoning bylaw to permit development of a four story apartment building. The report reviews in detail how the application is in conformity with...
Kinghorn Loves Fall
PowerKing: EV Event
Is an EV right for you? Find out at King’s ‘PowerKing: Electric Vehicle event Saturday, Oct. 5 from 10a.m. to 4p.m. at the King Township Municipal Centre Test drive an electric vehicle with Plug’n Drive, check out e-bikes, speak with EV owners. There will...
Invasive Species
Take Community Services' survey about invasive species. The data collected from it will inform Community Services educational efforts moving forward in relation to invasive species, such as fact sheets, workshops and hands-on removal/mitigation efforts. Community...
Truth and Reconciliation Commemoration on Monday
In partnership with the Indigenous Action Committee, King is commemorating National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with a community gathering on Monday, Sept. 30 from 5-7:30 p.m. at the King Heritage & Cultural Centre This evening will honour residential school...
Aloha!! Fundraiser For Our Foodbank
Learn more and buy your tickets!
Land Acknowlegement
Township staff have created a land acknowledgement for the Township. I am very pleased that one has been created; and I am very satisfied that such a respectful process has been used to create one. At the September 23rd council meeting Council is asked to approve it. ...
Recent Comments
All good questions! That’s why there are these public meetings.
Hi Debbie, Thank you for highlighting this application for a zoning by-law amendment to allow for an on-farm diversified use.…
Hello Sheila, Glad you have checked out the Zancor Centre. 1. Regarding your concern about harassment in the co'ed change…
Having toured the facility, I do have a major concern about the co’ed change room and shower facilities. I personally…
Hello Catherine, I do appreciate you making your comment. Since reading it I have asked some questions about the issue…
Hello Debbie, I am a long time King City senior who has been attending aquafit classes in Maple. Aquafit is…
Thank you for the good news, Debbie Wishing you a wonderful New Year...swimming and sporting, and other good things.
Hello Sheila, I do not anticipate that this Policy is going to need to less “colourful deputations” at Council. Your…
Inappropriate public negative behaviour is generally routed in prior events or encounters with someone or something. A child’s or adult’s…
Hi Nancy, I really appreciate your comment as I had noticed the comment that examples were recommended by Ombudsman and…