News and Updates in King Township
I use this blog to inform you of issues within the Township which are being assessed at the Council table as well as tell you about events happening in the Township which are of interest.
Motion Requesting Predictable Funding
On November 12 Council agenda there is motion by Mayor Pellegrini which has been seconded by Councillor Boyd. Here is the motion. I am very supportive. The intent is to achieve predictable and sustainable funding to municipalities, allowing for better longterm...
Nobleton Septic Disconnection Program
On November 12 Council agenda there is a staff report on the Nobleton septic Disconnection Program. As reviewed in the report the Region of York’s Nobleton Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) is in the process of being expanded to support growth in Nobleton....
Budget 2025
The process for determining the budget and ultimately the property tax for 2025 is underway. I urge you to look at the budget and provide feedback. A great way to lean what is being proposed is to attend the public open house on Wed. November 13. This is an easy...
Severance at 15 Charles
On November 4 there was a statutory public meeting for an application regarding a development application at 15 Charles St;, King City. The application is for both an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning Bylaw amendment to enable a severance at 15 Charles so that...
Transportation Master Plan
King Township is taking a significant step toward a sustainable and efficient future for local travel by developing a new Transportation Master Plan (TMP). This comprehensive roadmap will guide the enhancement of a multi-modal transportation network, covering roads,...
Parks & Facilities Masterplan: your input wanted
Our Parks & Facilities Master Plan to enhance community recreation and create vibrant spaces that foster physical activity, social connection, and overall well-being for all residents.Help shape the future development of parks and recreation facilities in King by...
Whistle Cessation
.. King Township prohibits the use of train whistles at three grade train crossings along the Barrie GO Line King neighbourhoods are getting quieter. King Township, in coordination with York Region and Metrolinx, has eliminated train whistles at three (3) grade train...
Bazaar in Kettleby at Christ Church
This is one of my favourite bazaars. As Kettleby Road is under construction I suggest you access it coming off Keele St. but it is possible to come off Jane..
Self storage on Hwy 27
At the November 4 Council meeting there is a statutory public meeting for an application regarding 13305 Hwy 27 (between Nobleton Public school and Hill Farm Road) to build and operate a self storage facility. To enable this the proponent has submitted applications...
Transportation Masterplan
Work on updating the Transportation Plan For King has started. This plan includes all the assets of King which we use to get around: local roads, trails, sidewalks. Your involvement is critical as only you know current state in your neighbourhood, what needs to be...
2 presentations of Interest
At beginning of Oct. 28 Council meeting thee ae 2 presentations which will be interesting: Chief Executive Officer of our library will present "Valuing King's Library Services" TRCA will present "King Township Forest Study"
Ontario Building Code
At 5pm Oct. 28 there is a Working Council Session. Public is invited to observe as Council learns and asks questions. At this session the Chief Building Officer will review changes to the Ontario Building Code and its impact on King. Its been a great frustration...
Recent Comments
I appreciate your suggestions as to how there could be more commercial space within the current urban boundary. there is…
Thanks Dorita for some different perspective about the proposed commercial lands for King City. Driving by it is evident that…
A lot of thought seems to be going into King's plans for development. IMO lands bordering the 400 are subject…
Hi Debbie, I very much appreciate how you routinely share information about many important matters before Council such as the…
What is proposed is not "carving up the GB in small chunks." I would welcome ideas how to address the…
Either you support the Greenbelt or you don't. Allowing the Greenbelt to be carved up in small chunks, means that…
Hello Nancy, I don't understand the basis for your statement that Township is recognizing fewer volunteers these days. I have…
Why does the Township recognize so few volunteers these days? There used to be a lot of volunteers who got…
Hi Bruce, Thank you for voicing your feelings on this.
Volunteer awards have been a marvellous tradition in King Township over many years, a time when the community can recognize…