Trail to GO train station

Trail to GO train station

On the Council agenda for the September 27th meeting there is a report regarding the trail from the GO train station north parking lot which goes up north to King Road.  This trail is an important piece of infrastructure contributing to our active transportation...
Trail to GO train station

Truth & Reconciliation

Monday September 27 is the last day to reserve to attend in person the Truth and Reconciliation event at the King Heritage and Cultural Centre. Here is more information about this event which has been planned by volunteers and staff at the KHCC.  Note:  there is some...

Electric Cars: opportunities to learn

If you are thinking about purchasing an electri car and still have some questions there is a repeat of Climate Action’s webinar about electric car.  The previous 3 have been enthisastically reviewed by attendees.  Its Wednesday September 22 at 7pm.   For...

Hear the King-Vaughan Candidates September 16

The King Chamber of Commerce is hosting a virtual town hall Thursday, September 16 at 6:00 PM with the candidates running in the Federal election.  The plan is for us to hear the candidates from the various parties who are running for election in our riding.  To...
Trail to GO train station

Learning About & Experiencing EV’s

Wednesday, September 22nd at 7:00 PM Climate Action King (CAK) is hosting again the webinar on EVs (electric vehicles). Attendees at previous sessions have been very enthusiastic. Registration is needed for this free event.     Saturday, October 2nd you can...