Sep 19, 2020 | Debbie in the Community
In Council agenda there is a lengthy report with appendices presenting final draft for approval of the 2019-2022 Corporate Strategic Plan and the annual progress report for 2019. Appendix A reviews the 4 priority areas and how progress will be tracked. I have a...
Sep 19, 2020 | Debbie in the Community
On Council agenda there is a staff report recommending a zoning bylaw amendment to allow a sales centre to be located temporarily at Keele/Carmichael. The situation is unusual in that the residences for sale are to be built on the east side of King City. The...
Sep 18, 2020 | Debbie in the Community
On Council agenda Sept. 21 there is a staff report reviewing forecasted cost impact of COVID-19 for this calendar year. The anticipated cost is significantly mitigated by the Federal/ Provincial Safe Start Agreement. Specifically, forecasted net impact is a deficit...
Sep 18, 2020 | Debbie in the Community
On Council agenda Monday Sept. 21 there is a large important report on the Active Transportation Plan. I am excited about this as it captures many ideas identified many times as being valuable enhancements to our daily living (e.g. midblock pedestrian crossings) and...
Aug 28, 2020 | Debbie in the Community
Register to receive King Township’s new monthly King Bulletin e-mail blast containing all of the latest news and updates in and around King. And here is the first edition.
Aug 28, 2020 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
I attended the virtual Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) conference for Aug. 17-20. As I found these conferences in past years to be worthwhil I looked forward to it and was curious as to how effective it would be as a virtual experience. Again, there...