Recreational Facilities:  what’s open

Recreational Facilities: what’s open

Opening up access to Township recreational facilities and assets is starting.  Signage is being posted at the facilities being opened up with details on how to use so that risk of COVID-19 transmission is minimized. At this time organized activities, such as a soccer...

COVID-19: Phase 1– opening up in King

As has been well publicized, and welcomed, Province has announced that we are moving into Phase 1 for opening up.  It is complicated to know what and when; please check in regularly with King’s COVID-19 page.   As has been announced many recreational services...

COVID-19 York Region Data

YORK REGION (May 21) · Dr. Kurji asked join the province’s Rapid Response Table; the group will meet on a regular basis to review key data and information, quickly identify emerging trends and deploy targeted support and resources · York Region provides advice on how...

Water/Wastewater Masterplan

Monday, May 25 there will be a virtual special Committee of the Whole (COW) working session at 5 PM regarding the 2020 draft Water/Wastewater Plan.   During the working COW meeting, as ususal, the public is only able to listen to the presentation given to Council and...

Support CHATS with a “click”

As longterm readers know I am very enthusiastic about CHATS (Community & Home Assistance to Seniors).  Whenever I have participated in their fundraising efforts, such as “Walk for Wellness”) many readers have supported me.  Now there is a very easy way...