On December 9 Council agenda a motion about Clean Electricity Regulations (CER) which I tabled originally in the October 15 Council meeting will be debated.The motion presented in the agenda for Dec. 9 Council meeting is the same as the one tabled in Oct. 15 except that the two friendly amendments agreed on Oct. 15 have been incorporated. Members of the public shall be permitted to speak on this motion. It was false news that the motion had been passed.
The two friendly amendments now incorporated into the motion are as follows:
The original motion identified our opposition to “any new power generation involving increased burning of fossil fuels, including natural gas” was modified such that the opposition was about King Township only and not throughout the Province.
The requesting the original motion requesting the Province to immediately invest in programs was enhanced to ask that the requested programs deliver “affordable energy” in addition to the other attributes mentioned.
The proposed Clean Electricity Regulation is about reducing emissions in our electricity system, and reducing their use in the electricity grid except when absolutely necessary.’
As always, if you want to make a deputation please register with clerks@king.ca by noon Dec. 9. If you want to send an email to Council please send to clerks@king.ca an email by noon Dec.9.