Community Assistance Program

May 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

On May 27 Council agenda there is a report about an update to the Community Assistance Program (CAP).  I think the idea of establishing three funding streams is very smart as they are each different.  One to provide support for programs offered through King Township’s Community Services.  One for support for programs offered through community organizations.   And one to cover costs associated with 1:1 support for individuals with special needs who are accessing either the municipal program stream or the community program stream.  I am very pleased that staff has initiated the update in anticipation that there will be increased interest given the additional programming that will be done at the new Township Wide Recreational Centre. i am also pleased to see recognition that sometimes an individual or a family does not fit the parameters as defined and that special allowance will be considered.

As always you can participate in the Council and make a deputation on this report in person or virtually.  For details on how to do please see Council agenda. Or you can send an email to by Monday noon with your comments, questions.


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