In Council agenda there is a lengthy report with appendices presenting final draft for approval of the 2019-2022 Corporate Strategic Plan and the annual progress report for 2019. Appendix A reviews the 4 priority areas and how progress will be tracked. I have a couple clarification questions but overall I like that our Staff has implemented this initiative. Value for the employees and leadership is quite evident; the greater clarity on objectives, the better they will be able to serve you. And very importantly I think it offers good value to you, the residents of King. Each of us have specific needs & wants in terms of what is desired from the municipality. I think this enables one to see whether what you need or want is being improved or whether there is even an intention to improve it. Appendix B provides a report on 2019 work. Appendix C is the booklet describing the process of a Corporate Strategic Plan. To access all the links go to agenda page and scroll to 10.2.