At Feb. 10 Council meeting there is a report regarding the application from Country Day School (CDS) to modify their campus to enable replacement of portables and to incorporate the historic 1883 one room school house such that it is fully visible, in its original form and fully protected. The Heritage Advisory Committee (of which I am a member) is very happy to see how this heritage asset is being treasured. I am very supportive of the recommendations of Staff. As identified CDS needs to increase the number of trees they will replant as a result of removing 32 trees for the project.
Thanks for all this as always, Debbie.
Re Country Day, I understand that the original school house is listed. Might it become DESIGNATED as part of this development? Worth asking?
I must acknowledge that having that school designated would be ideal but in reality, if it were, there would be no real benefit in terms of it being preserved, conserved. So…its not my priority.