On 12/12 Council agenda there is a report reviewing process for selling the property where Township Office is currently located. As has been reported previously the sale of the property is a major source of revenue for funding the new Town Hall at the former Holy Name school site. As indicated in the report the first step for the process is to declare the site as “surplus” which is being achieved in the report.
Isn’t this an ideal location for affordable housing. The Township is lacking in this kind of accommodation.
This comment was sent to me a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately it was lost when my website was being restored after being hacked. Its an important question hence I have posed it myself, including some of the thoughts included in the original one. My response is that I totally agree. I believe there are several sites in that area which are prime for a development at lower prices than what is the trend in King these days; specifically there is the plaza where Twshp Offices are currently, and several properties across the Road. 2. The Official Plan update/review is going to provide direction on this point…or at least I am anticipating such. I anticipate that there will be both direction on where such kind of development should be but also identification of what is meant by “affordable.” 3. It is not just a question of negotiating with the developer; need to put in place the framework to ensure that the property remains “affordable.” (i.e. that the 1st buyer does not simply flip it for personal gain.).