Decision on Old Schomberg Arena

Nov 29, 2012 | The Issues | 0 comments

I am very pleased with the decision Council has made to issue an Expression of Interest for the re-purposing of the site of the old Schomberg Arena through a public/private partnership by way of a sale or a lease.  Clearly, it would be quicker if we simply sold it right now; but I am convinced that there will be greater value for the Township by pursuing the agreed path.  If a good opportunity is not identified we can sell it then; and given how land values continue to increase we will likely gain more fom the sale at that point.  (Already the land has appreciated $200,000).

I have reviewed in previous posts the need to recover $1.3 million from the arena/site in order to complete the financing of the Trisan Centre.  (Note:  I incorrectly said previously that we needed $1.2 million.)  Through the consultation process with the public I recognized that this is an asset with a strategic value; simply selling it would not capitalize on that.

As you would expect we will be marketing in a more formal way this opportunity; but, if you are interested in participating in a multi-purpose, community use and/or or mixed community/commercial use facility let me know!


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