On Council agenda for June 29 there is the public meeting for an application for a development on King Road just west of the King City library. The application is for a development consisting of 20 stacked townhomes; plan is for two blocks, each containing 10 units and measuring 4 stories. There was a developer hosted open house March 3rd. This meeting is the statutory public meeting where Staff presents its report, the developer makes a presentation and Council is able to ask questions; no decision is made at this meeting. In addition, very importantly this is when the public can ask questions and/or make deputations. This meeting will be a virtual one and it will live streamed. Details how to provide information is outlined in paragraph further below. Given information in the Staff report I have a very positive response to this application. Being on King Road, in vicinity of 2 public schools and on a existant York Region Transit route I cannot imagine a site being more appropriate for medium density. The aesthetics of the development are very attractive and fitting for King City. Given its location I am comfortable with the proposed 4 storeys; per our new Official Plan (One King) which is not yet in force, 4-6 stories are identified as being feasible in the “right” circumstances. This location is “right: a school behind, an arterial road in front, a library on one side and a comparable new development proposed on the other side.
This statutory Public Meeting is the opportuntiy for public to ask questions, make comments and to have such registered as part of the review process. You can either submit comments by noon on 6/29 to clerks@king.ca or public can register to speak to Council virtually (audio-telephone in); to do so you must register at clerks@king.ca OR phone the Clerks Department (905 833-4068) by noon on 6/29; once you have done this you will receive confirmation and information for participating in the virtual Council meeting.