On Council agenda for November 30 there is a Staff report on the proposed new Development Charges (DC) for King. In last Council meeting we had an “introduction” to the subject; in the 11/30 meeting there is much more detail, including the specific projects considered in the next 10 years and, its my understanding that it includes feedback from developers. To clarify, inclusion of these projects does not mean they are approved. Rather they are identified as something wanted, or something as possible, in the numerous masterplans and strategies; hence we need to include them in DC study so that the cost of such is included and we can collect Development Charge funds as the developments occur. This is extremely important work as this is the means by which the costs of growth are paid by the growth itself. To clarify with an example: currently, to build a single detached house in King City, the DC is $38,042; proposed new rate is $39,232. The DC Study is where you can learn more about the legislation that regulates this process and where the specific projects are included. At Council there will be a presentation.