King At Home is a treasure chest of ideas for how to bring some lightness, some fun into our daily lives. After 6 weeks of living with the restrictions required to do my part in flattening the curve, to make our community safe & healthy again, I was delighted to check out King At Home for some new ideas. I am intrigued about the “rural change makers” initiative advertised in the “learning at home” page; looks like a fabulous opportunity for adults age 18-29. As I have been reading the unread books in my own library I had started to forget about the wealth of programs available in our King libraries. I knew that libraries are more than books and rooms for studying with some school friends but I wasn’t taking advantage of it. King At Home reminded me to check it out. In the libraries I saw notice for a “quaran-teen” writing contest; cool idea for the teens. The “Active at Home” page has good links for yoga which I have taken advantage of. So…do check it out. And if you have ideas for other initiatives which may be of interest to your community let the Staff know.