Winter 2013/14 was a hard one; and it was an expensive one. At May 12 Council there is a Staff Report addressing the need for emergency repairs on Collard Dr., Keele St. north of Davis Dr., Simon Henry Dr.,and 10th concession south of King Rd. As reviewed there is clearly the need to make the repairs as it is a safety issue; but the question is how to finance the repairs estimated at $251,161. Staff is recommending the funds be found by deferring other planned projects. The proposed financing plan may be the best solution but I want to understand why funds are not being taken from the reserves as I thought one of the reasons for having reserves is to respond to emergencies. We are already far behind in having our road infrastructure in the desired state; deferring projects to pay for emergencies is not a good strategy.
Is there a plan in general for other roads like the Sixteenth Side Road? I don’t believe they are a safety hazard, but the Sixteenth is very rough.
Hello Clare, Yes it is rough; and that is recognized. To provide context to the 2014 budget plan Staff did present a 10 year capital program; it includes the resurfacing (pulverizing and paving) of 16th from Dufferin to Jane. If all stays the same I anticipate that the 2015 budget will include this project; but of course all will not stay the same so there is no commitment yet. There are 300 km of roads to be maintained in King and we are far behind; setting the priorities is based on road condition & volume of traffic. (The analysis is done by a consultant; lastest Township roads assessment was done in 2011.) Showing this project for 2015 would have been based on that priority analysis.