On Nov.16 Council agenda there is a staff report presenting the final version of sustainable developement standards for approval by Council; also presented is the plan for implementing with a start date of February 2021 for all new site plan applications. This program has been a long time in coming; first version was checklist in 2013. Since then there has been changes in expectations and recognition of the need for such; and, there has been significant consultation with various stakeholders and experts. As a member of the Sustainability Committee when the first version was launched I am very happy to see this. It looks very comprehensive and is appropriately complex but structured and organized well. I do have a couple significant questions. First, as I read it, there is a minimum which must be achieved in order to get approval of a site plan. The question is whether a proponent can appeal our refusal to approve. Second, how do our standards compare to current Building Code in Ontario?
Thank for this and the good questions. In my reading I did not find a listing of which site plans will need to comply? Ref was made to potentially including subdivisions in the future. Will the new apartments without site plans be included as of Feb? Every new building (not barns)? Did i just miss this? Thanks
I believe the report says that the Keele street project proponent is assessing the application against these standards. As for barns I suggest you ask the Planner or include the question in your comments, if you are making a deputation,