We think of horses and beautiful horse farms as being a key feature of King; and as a municipality we are proud of this. And we know there is alot of business, money and employment, in the equine sector. But, until very recently we haven’t done very much to leverage it to build our economy. In 2013 we entered into a partnership with Headwaters Horse Country to begin to do just that. At 3/31 Council we received a year one report and agreed to continue the partnership. You can read it here.
I am very supportive of this program. First, to do this in such a partnership is the only way. Yes, horses are big in King but it is far more powerful to developing the sector with the benefit of Caledon, Dufferin and Erin; together, we can become the premier equine region in Ontario. Second, there is so much for us to gain. i) Economic development for both benefit of the sector in King and for King. ii) Gain a solid deep understanding of what the sector means to King. When confronted with the crisis created by the Province’s decision to terminate the Slots At Race Track program we didn’t know, except with our gut, that it was an important issue. My interest in this sector was really piqued by a forum I attended in 2012; here is the post about my learnings.