At last Council meeting I gave notice of a motion that a letter should be sent to Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing requesting that the process for reviewing the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) and the Greenbelt Plan (GB) be identified. Both these plans, along with the Niagara Escarpment, are to be reviewed in 2015. The whole premise of our Sustainability Plan is that King will only be sustainable when we truly balance the environment, the economy, the socio-culture and financial. As nearly 70% of the lands of King Township are covered within the ORMCP and 98% are within the GB this review is critical. Identification of process (e.g. when inputs will be requested, what metrics will be used) will help us to participate effectively. I believe there are policies which we will want to modify and there are policies which we will want to confirm as appropriate.
Council will vote on my motion at 7/8 Council. Here is the motion.