King At Home has been launched. I think timing is perfect as it has been about 6 weeks since concepts of “essential businesses” and “physical distancing” has impacted our daily lives. Its time for new programs to be introduced: King AT Home is what we need. It offers something for everyone. Its purpose is to provide a wide variety of activities and resources to the King community in an effort to engage, stay active and have some fun at home during these uncertain times. Activities range from home crafts, preschool activities, fitness classes for both the brain & the body, heritage activities and virtual tours of the King Heritage and Cultural Centre.
One part of the program is #StayKingConnected! This page will feature positive community stories from around King. Do you have a positive story to
share? Is someone going above and beyond to uplift the community spirit? Write those stories and e-mail them to to share your story and have it featured on King At Home and King’s social media channels.
As you explore the content on King At Home you will see that there are a lot of ideas but the invitation is made to send in your ideas.