A special Council meeting has been called for this Monday, 11/19; critical agenda item is KCCC application. The staff report which can be read here recommends that the applications (Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft plan of subdivision) be refused.
I urge you to read the report for a complete understanding of the arguments. To my mind the over arching argument is very simple: the site is zoned prestige employment; it is not zoned for significant retail/commercial as has been proposed by KCCC. Prestige employment lands are critical to the sustainability of any municipality as this is where employment happens; conversion of any portion of those lands needs to be well justified. It is particularly important that any conversion of these lands is well justified as the King City Community Plan makes it very clear that it was not intended for there to be retail/commercial at Jane/King Road as such is expressly prohibited.
A number of people have commented on this proposal, both here and in other forums: some in favour, some opposed. This participation is wonderful. I know some will be frustrated with the report for the 11/19 agenda as it focused on this one issue of conversion of employment lands. Others issues/concerns have been raised and there are other aspects of the proposal to discuss such as the proposal for institutional zoning to allow for long term care facilities etc. ; I anticipate that those points will be considered once the development concept is brought into conformity with the Prestige Employment policies.
The public is welcome to attend the special Council meeting; if you wish to make a deputation you can sign in to do so.