King Jane Pre-Servicing

Jun 15, 2024 | Developments | 0 comments

On June 17 Council agenda there is a report which recommends authorizing a pre-servicing agreement to enable construction of the municipal services to accommodate buildings A and B  at the King Jane site at corner of King Rd/Jane.  As reviewed in the report these buildings are part of phase one and are located in the most westerly block of the draft plan of subdivision. The engineering drawings have not been finalized but as it’s anticipated that they will be finalized during Council’s summer recess the requested Council approval is recommended  on the condition of approval by Director of Growth Management Services. If the municipal services (sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewers, storm water infrastructure) are constructed during the summer months, work can begin on the footings and foundations of the buildings in the fall.

At time of writing this post I cannot express full support for this pre-servicing agreement. Before our Council meeting I hope that I will understand how the proponent failed to suppress substantial dust from their significant earthworks a few days ago; and more importantly I will understand their plans to ensure that it does not happen again.  King Jane represents a valuable new enterprise in King as it will provide some relief to our our tax base which is heavily (96%) dependent on the residential tax payer; also it will create jobs to help us meet targets.  But, we cannot jeopardize quality of  life & health of current residents.


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