Hwy Corridor 11

At the October 7 council meeting there is a statutory public meeting for amendments to our Official Plan, ”Our King, and the countryside zoning bylaw which will enable the establishment of a planning framework for the Hwy. 11 corridor. This is a very complex...

Apartments on Banner Lane

At the October 7 Council meeting there is a statutory public meeting for an application regarding 24 Banner Lane  to amend the zoning bylaw to permit development of a four story apartment building. The report reviews in detail how the application is in conformity with...

Neigbourhood Plans

he September 23rd council agenda includes a report on the draft conceptual plans for the Doctors Lane and Old King Rd. neighbourhoods. There will be a presentation on this at the beginning. This exercise is very challenging for most of us as we are being asked what we...

Hwy 27 and Wellington st. Development

At the September 23rd Council there is a recommendation to approve  the zoning bylaw amendment application and it’s implementing bylaw  for the development including several properties on Hwy. 27 and at 15 Wellington St. The application proposes a development of...

Amendments For Priestley Demolition

At the September 23rd Council there is a recommendation to approve  applications to enable development at  the two properties on Lloydtown Aurora Rd west of Jane where Priestly Demolition operates. Specifically, the applications include amending the Official Plan to...