At Council on September 23 there is a public meeting for a development at northeast of King Road/King Blvd intersection. As is typical at this stage of a development application, the Staff report reviews the essence of the application and identifies issues yet to be answered. This is the opportunity for the public to identify their concerns and to ask questions. If you can’t attend the meeting send in your comments to the Clerk at; if you can attend there is no need to sign in.
This application is for 12 town houses. As reviewed there are many aspects of this proposal which are very positive: namely that it is for a different format of housing; and the location is very appropriate for a more dense development given proximity to shopping, schools, public transit. From reading the report I have the impression that there is “too much” being squeezed into the site: density is far beyond our current official plan (King City Community Plan); many of the zoning bylaw requirements (e.g. setbacks) are not being met. I am also concerned about the issues identified about storm water management; I want to understand how the apparent conflicting opinions of consultants will be addressed. And I will be questioning why the tree compensation plan is less than what we have in the current draft tree bylaw covering private properties in our 3 villages. Finally…I must comment that it is satisfying to read about a development on a site without environmental features to consider!
Thank you as always for this.
You identify good points pro and con (as always!)
Right place but too dense. What about real energy conservation in consideration for climate change commitments? Net ZERO Buildings? Geothermal, solar hot water and energy? Green roofs/panels? Brown water? A little more “heritage look”. Build around the trees and keep all possible! Prove why each needs to be cut.