Application has been made for a development north of DiNardo Court and Carmichael Crescent on the east side of Keele. (This is 3rd phase of a developed often referred to as the DiNardo Development.)
There are two opportunities for the public to learn more about the proposal.
- 1st there is an open house organized by the Agent for the owner/developer of these lands on June 4th at the King the King City Library. It runs from 6:30-8 PM. There will not be formal presentation. You can attend, ask questions and give comments to the owner/developer and its agents. Here is invitation with a few details about the application.
- 2nd there is the statutory public meeting at Council on June 10th. The public meeting will begin 6 PM. You can attend and listen to presentations by Staff and the agent of the developer. If you wish you can make deputation to Council to identify your perspective. Note: if you wish to make a deputation you do not need to sign in; you simply wait until the Chair asks for deputations.
There will not be a decision made at this meeting. Rather, this is an important step in which the public can become engaged.