Kingscross Estates: your input on traffic calming is wanted!

Nov 10, 2014 | The Issues | 2 comments

Measures to slow down the traffic on Kingscross Drive has been a very hot topic for residents in Kingscross Estates community: both for those living on that road  and for residents living on the feeders streets.  Notice is being sent to all residents in Kingscross Estates of the public information meeting on Thursday November 27th between 3:30 and 9 pm at the Muncipal Office in the Council Chambers.  Intent of meeting is to provide information on several options for addressing the problem and to hear feedback from residents.  Input heard at the meeting will be incorporated into a recommendation to Council in late winter 2015 for a permanent solution.

To respond to concerns about traffic speeds a couple different actions have been taken:  stop signs were introduced at some intersections and temporary speed humps were installed in June 2015.  (The latter have now been removed.)  Unlike the discrete decisions behind these actions, what will be presented at the 11/27 meeting is a holistic review of options.

I do hope that residents of Kingscross Estates will attend the public information meeting to provide input on traffic calming measures on Kingscross Drive.


  1. arlene heaps

    Thank you for removing the humps, bumps, lumps. It is once
    again a pleasure to drive through Kingscross.
    The physiological damage is slow]y fading.
    Rules are guidelines for wise people and for
    fools to follow blindly

    • Debbie

      Hello Arlene, So…you did not become accustomed to the speed humps and you don’t think they are needed. You are certainly permitted to have your own opinion on both of these things. I hope you will attend the 11/27 public information meeting to look at the recommendations for traffic calming and to see if there are some options which you think would be appropriate.


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