Maintaining Our Stormwater Management System

Mar 16, 2025 | The Issues | 2 comments

On Council agenda for March 17th there is a staff report recommending that we contract for two years with Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) to provide necessary management and maintenance of our stormwater management system. As reviewed in the report, actual work may be done by either TRCA or the Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority. I am very satisfied with the proposal as our storm water management system is both complex (see summary below as to what it is comprised of) and very important given climate change and the amount of development that is occurring in our villages. As outlined in the report both of the above mentioned conservation authorities and a third one have developed a robust process for maintaining the stormwater systems. In addition to having the systems maintained properly the two year contract provides an opportunity for Township staff to acquire the skills so that outsourcing the work will not be required on an ongoing basis.

The Township’s stormwater management system is comprised of various types of infrastructure to manage rainfall, and snowmelt flows while protecting property and the natural environment. This includes 26 wet stormwater management ponds, 4 dry stormwater management and 20 Low Impact Development Stormwater features, hundreds of kilometers of sewers/ditches, and hundreds of culverts and catch basins. Along with features that remove contaminants from runoff such as filtration trenches and oil and grit separators.

As always deputations can be made. To do so please register at by noon on  March 17 or If you prefer you can e-mail your comments to and they will be distributed to Council members and appropriate staff.



  1. Dorita Peer

    The management efforts are most impressive…I had no idea.

    • Debbie

      The details for maintaining our infrastructure are amazing.


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