For our 3 villages we are going to embark on creating Community Improvement Plans (CIP). The goal of a CIP is to nurture village revitalization and improve village vitality. In the medium-long term this translates to villages which are more desirable to live in; professionals identify the latter as being more socially cohesive, environmentally friendly and economically sound. CIP’s are a planning and economic development tool. They have been used in other communities but they are new to King. And it is very new to me so I have much to learn. Monday April 14 there is a Committee of the Whole Working Session at 5PM to give Council an orientation to the subject and to present the work plan for creating the CIP’s. The public is very welcome to attend to learn too ; unlike the normal COW, public may only listen as opposed to giving deputations.
March 17 Council received a Staff report with a recommendation on a consultant to guide us through this process. You can read it here.