Mary Lake Estates—1st OMB pre-hearing

Jan 11, 2012 | The Issues | 0 comments

The 1st OMB pre-hearing for the appeal on Mary Lake Estates development was held on Jan. 9, 2012.  Outcome of that meeting was schedule definition for the appeal, brief summary of the issues and clear demonstration of the intense interest by the Kings Cross community in the appeal.

The schedule:

February 24 at 10:30 a second pre-hearing

June 18 at 10:30 a 3rd pre-hearing

Nov. 5 at 10:30 a 9 day appeal begins

The 6/18 pre-hearing is specifically scheduled to occur after the June 11 Council as the target is to present to Council on 6/11 a new subdivision plan proposal.  The latter will be based on the feedback received from the public February 2011 and the additional feedback received from Township Staff since then.


King Township Council identified two issues being the interface/the transition with Kingscross Estates and other issues in regards to the environmental protection zones; Ms Matera noted that the issues are as presented in the Staff Report 2011-10. To read it click here For the proponent the issue is one of time:  the public meeting was held Feb. 28,2011 and there has been no resolution.

Just as a lot of that community attended the public meeting in February 2011 to deliver clear feedback on their disapproval of the plan presented then, the community made it clear that they intend to be part of the appeal.  Numerous individuals registered as participants; a lawyer registered as a participant representing several people and indicated possibility of modifying status to “party” depending on what the new plan is and the position Council takes on June 11.

Additional Parties or Participants               Toronto Regional Conservation Authority registered explaining they have 3 minor areas of interest:  finalizing the environmental protection zone line on the south east corner, final position of a storm water management pond, bylaw clarification.   York Region registered also.

Although not perfect I am satisfied with the process ahead as it gives citizens fair opportunity to see what the new subdivision plan is and to then decide how they want to participate in the process.

Note:  All registrants will receive notices of changes, if any, to the above schedule.  For others interested check for any change notices.


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