Mary Lake Estates–municipal services report

Nov 10, 2014 | The Issues | 0 comments

The preferred solution for providing municipal services (water and sanitary sewers) to the new subdivision Mary Lake Estates has now been confirmed.  Here is the final report.  Preferred solution is consistent with what was presented earlier.  If anyone has questions or issues with the proposed solution they should review such with Greg Cook ( If the identified concern is not resolved, the individual(s) may request the Minister of the Environment to issues a Part II Order under the Environmental Assessment Act; such action needs to be taken by December 6th.  I know that members of the public who had requested to be advised of final report have been sent a notice. (You can see it here.)

I was initially skeptical of the “wisdom” of the preferred solution for the water, specifically the proposal to have a second watermain feed and to have it fed via Lockhart Lane and Kingscross Drive.  What I have since learned is that having a “loop” is really best practice these days for better water quality.  And, on consideration, it is hard to justify why we would ignore the opportunity to provide enhanced fired protection in Kingscross by building the loop parallel to the 1st watermain feed on 15th Sideroad.






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