On the Council agendae over the next three months there are several meeetings for various budget-type items: miscellaneous fees & charges, water and wastewater, budgets & business plans. In some instances there will be bylaws for approval to execute the Council decisions. Here is the notice of meetings covering all of these items. Below are the specifics for miscellaneous fees.
Monday December 14, 2020 the miscellaneous fees and charges will be presented at Council
Monday January 11, 2021 the miscellaneous fees and charges will be presented for adoption by Council and for approval of Bylaw.
As has been Township practice since COVID you can observe live stream at http://meeting.king.ca; and if you want to submit comments or register to make a deputation, for the February 8 and 22 meetings, contact clerks@king.ca do so by noon the day of the meeting.