I maintain this blog for the express purpose of alerting readers to issues coming before Council before the Council makes a decision so that public can engage, if interested. This post is different: its a brief report on decisions made at Council December 14. Council voted unanimously to refuse a request to endorse a Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO) in Nobleton. Council voted 6/1 to refuse a MZO request for Marylake in King City; the dissenting vote was Councillor Cober. Further below I identify my rationale for my decsions. I am happy that King Council has refused both of these. And, I am thrilled at the loud outcry from the community at large. I have read more than 140 emails expressing the hope, the expectation that Council will defend our planning decisions and our environmental principles espoused in both the Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine Acts. Council heard more deputations than we have ever. And I am particularly thrilled that many people got engaged who have lived in King City <4 years. I dearly hope that the latter will increase their involvement in their new homes as communities are best when people are involved.
The rationale for my decision on both cases is same: we have just completed an Official Plan for the township; it was just approved by York Region in October 2020. An OP provides the direction and a policy framework for managing growth, land use and infrastructure decisions through to 2031. Our OP, Our King, is the outcome of a 3 year process in which citizens throughout the Township engaged. A MZO renders an OP to be trivial. Both of the MZO’s implied locating growth outside the current urban boundaries of the respective villages. The Marylake one had one further critical factor: the property is in the Oak Riges Moraine and a significant portion of the intended activities are not permitted in the ORM; furthermore no environmental assessments had been done although the plan was described as having no negative impact.
No one should read this post and think that the file is closed. The proponents may choose to submit their requests without Council endorsement. Minister Clark (Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing) may decide to grant one or both. Both of these requests are for properties in the Greenbelt (GB). On more than one occasion when challenged by Opposition Parties about the extraordidnary frequency of granting MZO’s Minister Clark has said very clearly that the Greenbelt is protected and there will be no MZOs in the GB.
So..we will see. Right now I am proud to be member of King Council. And I am happy that there is strong interest in a task force working with the AFOI to figure out how to respond to their financial need such that Marylake can continue to be the special place it is without degrading the environment.
Wonderful News.
Should we be writing to Minister Clark?
Thank you for your dedication to King, the Greenbelt and the Oak Ridges Morraine.
I read the article about Lake Schomberg in the Mosaic Magazine and had no idea how much history is here. Ann Love’s article mentioned sand found in Kettleby from a long ago lake!
Be well and Merry Christmas!
More letters to Minister Clark with a copy to our local MPP are worthwhile. Minister Clark needs to hear that citizens want their elected councils to do their job i.e. to plan their communities, to plan the growth etc.
Bravo to Council – and to you, Deb, for bringing this to our attention. You said that it was a unanimous vote but 6 to 1 is not unanimous, so that confuses me. Councillor Cober voted for the MZO. What was his reasoning? He is my representative on Council and this is concerning to me, unless there was a good reason for his minority vote. Perhaps I should ask him?
The unanimous refusal of the MZO referred to the one for Nobleton. Perhaps I my wording needs to be modified; I will check. And yes I suggest you follow up wht Councillor Cober to hear his motivation re: the Marylake MZO.
Thanks for doing such a great job Debbie.
As I mentioned to you, KIng has KIngbridge & Eaton Hall inns & conference centres already. Does KIng really need a 3rd hotel & conference at Mary Lake at such an environmentally significant location? Might be a good idea to assess the activity & profitability within the present conference centres first.
PLease keep us informed.
I get your point but its not quite accurate. Don;t think Eaton Hall is active at all; pre pandemic there was some academic use there but that’s all. having said that there are other proposed uses which are more troubling in that I don’t think it is the right location.
Well argued in Council and well said here. Thank you very much for all your efforts. Thank you also to all the residents who submitted comments, emails and made deputations re not endorsing either of these MZOs. sincerely,
Susan Beharriell
I am very gratified to hear that King Council has rejected these MZOs, thank you and Council!
But as you say, this is not the story’s end. Continued pressure must be put on the Ontario Government to stop this arrogant interference in municipal affairs.
A principled decision by council. We have a well thought and written OP it should be followed. Well done!
Thank you to the Council as a whole and to you Debbie for both the vote against both proposals and for your work to keep your constituents informed.
The voice of the King people was loud and strong. We must look after our Greenbelt for future generations to enjoy the very reasons we all enjoy and value King Township and call it home.