On March 1 there is statutory public meeting for rezoning a property on Keele north of King Road to enable establishment of a retail store and an office. The proposal is entirely consistent with our new approved Official Plan (OP): it is the kind of retail we want to have in the core of King City; and it repurposes one of the original houses in the village. As reviewed in the report this rezoning is required as our new OP is not in force because of appeals; under the new OP this property would be in the core of King City but at this point it not and is zoned for residential. The report mentions a “commercial parking area” at the rear; I am not sure what that means and will be asking a question. The proposed new business “Molly’s Market” sounds like a good fit for King. As the meeting is being conducted virtually it is necessary to register to make a deputation; alternatively you can send an email. To register or to email your questions and comments do so at clerks@king.ca by March 1 noon. To read the report and access the appendices see the agenda.
Thank you for this. Looks good to me too!
I note that the staff report is lacking the required para on Sustainability. Do you know why?
Did staff just leave it out? Has council changed its direction to include Sustainability? Is it just an oversight or a staff “plan”?
Unlike many projects, this one is good for all 4 pillars! Why not “celebrate” a good application for repurposing a building, adding a business that uses local produce, does not seek to add more village infrastruture, and may not destroy many mature trees?
Can you ask this or shall I make a deputation to this effect?