On December 5 there is a public meeting for application for a zoning bylaw to facilitate the building of a 6 storey building; it includes 169 residential units with commercial at ground level. The development includes demolishing 3 current houses but retaining and integrating the heritage house at 12958 Hwy 27. I am happy that the developer has agreed to permitting us time to properly assess the heritage house.
This is the statutory public meeting no decisions will be made. As always you can register to make a deputation verbally or you send an email and it will be sent to Council. To register and/or send an email please do so by noon on December; contact clerks@king.ca.
This is the first meeting with the new Council! We are continuing to hold our meetings in a manner that you can observe the meeting on live stream. Council wants to move to hybrid meetings whereby you could watch the livestream OR attend; but equipment has not yet arrived.
I do not understand why if we could hold the inaugural meeting as a hybrid, why we cannot hold regular meetings as a hybrid. I am puzzled. Is it because you cannot get the deputations in person put on livestream?
The inauguration was not a hybrid; it was a live meeting which was live streamed. There was no participation of persons who were remote. Hybrid will enable the experience of a participant, either member of the public or a council member to have same experience whether they are at home/away or in the Council chamber. The current technology (i.e. what is installed today) is such that if you were to be in the council chamber you would only hear what was said by those in the council chamber; if while sitting there you accessed the livestream on your phone you could see/hear “all” but it would be challenging as there is a small time lapse between when a person sitting in the Chamber says something and when it travels to Youtube and into your ear bud.