New Sign By-law–draft

Oct 20, 2013 | The Issues | 2 comments

A draft new sign by-law is on the agenda for Council on October 21st. I am very pleased that the draft shows a continued priority on maintaining a respectful and protective attitude towards the natural beauty of our landscape and countryside. It would be so easy to litter the countryside with signage in the name of supporting our businesses; but we are not falling into that trap.

From reading the draft and the background information provided it appears to me that there have been some good improvements in process with a more streamlined application process for sign permits etc. I am also pleased to see that we are incorporating into the By-law our typical practices of allowing for community or special event signage. Traditionally the latter has been handled on a special request basis. It seems to me that it is far more efficient and fair to identify the parameters for such signage in the by-law so that it is clear for all. Finally I am pleased to see that there are more specific “rules” for real estate signage as I have received a number of complaints about them; and as it turns out there were gaps in the by-law.  You can read the draft and the accompanying report here.


  1. Michael Hogg

    Hi Debbie,

    What if any impact will this have on Kettleby Fair / Christmas in Kettleby signage?

    • Debbie

      Hello Michael, It really shouldn’t have any impact other than making it better. The new by-law defines how big signs can be, length of time that signs can be up, where they can be. Many of these points were not defined in the previous current by-law; hence community organizers had to ask for rules and they were not necessarily consistently applied. The new by-law also identified that there is no fee for sign permits for such events.


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