There are a couple very important Municipal meetings over the next month: one of them is the Official Plan (OP) Review. The OP review kicks off with the public meeting Thursday Nov. 28 6PM at Country Day School. The OP is an important policy document describing how lands should be used; it underpins virtually all other documents so it is vital that we review and amend ours as such is long over due. An OP review is not “riveting”; and it unfolds over a lengthy period (likely 12 months). But it is not impossible. By attending the 11/28 session you will get a good overview of the initiative which will help you to be a better informed citizen as the process unfolds.
As I have indicated earlier this exercise is being led by Sarah Allin who can reached at 905 833 5321 x 4066 or by email at An introductory discussion paper has been prepared; you can read it here.