Official Plan Review Begins!

Oct 10, 2013 | The Issues | 0 comments

Why should you care that a review of the Official Plan (OP) for King Township has been initiated.?  An OP is a significant foundation-type document as to how a municipality is to evolve: how lands should be used, where development should occur and not occur, which natural heritage systems are to be protected. It impacts directly the quality of life in a municipality and simply “what it is.” I call it a “foundation-type” document as it is the base from which numerous other OP’s are created such as the Community Plans for each of our villages and the rural areas. It also provides a context for zoning bylaws. Residents and business owners are very much encouraged to participate; below I identify the many different methods for participating in this process. I strongly encourage you to attend a public meeting Thursday November 28 6 PM at Country Day School which will provide more information on revisions being considered.

For an overview of the process see this e-page. As indicated here you can participate in many ways: attend the meetings (the 1st one being the one on 11/28 identified above) and just listen or make deputations; send via email your input to You can also request being added to an email list to be kept informed; and finally, you can contact the Policy Planner Sarah Allin, who is leading the project.



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