At 5pm Oct. 28 there is a Working Council Session. Public is invited to observe as Council learns and asks questions. At this session the Chief Building Officer will review changes to the Ontario Building Code and its impact on King. Its been a great frustration that to date we are unable to enforce changes in our homes to ensure that they are being built to achieve greater sustainability, reduce energy consumption and reduce green house gases.
Will this session be taped so that it can be viewed later? I will be going to the Nobleton and King City Garden Club Pot Luck and AGM that evening.
I assume that it will be but don’t know for sure.Suggest you contact; I am unable to do so.
It really makes no sense, in the long run, not to have homes being built that are more energy efficient. The money saved in heating costs is huge. I refurbished our home to R2000 standards and have saved over $100,000 in heat costs! The environmental savings are massive, as we use just a quarter of the propane that we used when we bought the home. There is of course extra cost, but that is quickly recouped over time.