Official Plan Review

Official Plan Review

The Official Plan Review is underway.  New discussion papers have been posted on the project website.  On the website there is also a survey to which residents are asked to respond in order to describe how you envision your community to 2051, what aspects of your...

Official Plan Open Houses

Work has started to update the Official Plan (OP) of King Township.  Whether you have lived in King for your whole life or if just moved here, your input is wanted.   The OP is the overarching policy on how King will evolve as we grow to a population of 50,000 by...

Application For An Event Venue

At the Monday January 13 public planning meeting an application for a zoning bylaw amendment is presented. The proposed amendment is to enable an Event Venue at 14855 Hwy. 27 (north of 16th SDRD).  The basis for the application is that this would be an on farm...

Official Plan Update: your help is needed!

Your help is needed to shape the future of King Township. Come to one of the open houses in January to share your thoughts on living, working, and moving in King.  These themes are part of the review of  ‘Our King,’ our Official Plan.  The format of the meetings...