OP Review: Growth Management and Employment Lands

Feb 22, 2025 | Policies, Masterplans | 6 comments

The first agenda item on the February 24 council meeting is a report presenting strategies for growth management and employment lands. Most of these  strategies address the growth in King Township through to 2051; In addition there is consideration of planning beyond 2051 for areas of employment. As explained in the report this kind of planning is required by provincial legislation; but given the growth, over which we do not have control, I think it is imperative that such planning is done.  Note:  There will be presentation at beginning; and to access all appendices go to Council agenda and scroll down to 8.1.

To understand where the numbers for both population growth and employment land needs I refer you to the Watson report. The population growth of 21,000 versus 28,400 in 2021 represents a 2% increase each year;  seems somewhat daunting but last two decades it has been 1.9%%.  As indicated in the report number of persons in a household is decreasing because type of housing unit is changing and the changing/declining birth rate; hence the increase in new households will be greater.  Previous two decades saw 172 new ones/year; through to 2051 it is forecasted to be 280/yr.

As I have thought about the endorsements I am being asked to give I am keeping the following in mind

  • Balance is required.
  • Across the Township and particularly in and around King City there are two very important pieces of legislation which have been in place for over 20 years to protect our farmland and our natural heritage systems, namely the Greenbelt Plan and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan.  I do not want to challenge these protections.  This is particularly true for King City as it’s north and west urban boundary butts with ORM and east butts with GB.
  • There is not enough land to continue building residential in the same manner done historically i.e.  single detached homes. We must build up.
  • Lands appropriate for employment and commercial uses are required per the Provincial Policy Statement (2024).  In addition it is development of those lands which is the mechanism for providing some relief to property taxes. Currently our ratio of residential:employment is 96%.
  • King Township is a community of communities with 3 villages and numerous hamlets.  In 2051 this should continue to be true.  To achieve this our growth must be primarily in the villages.

Most of the requested endorsements are somewhat mechanical in that they are a result of the forecasts done by Watson: population growth, the number of households,the amount of commercial space required for the target population, the amount of employment space required for the future users.  I have spent time reviewing the Watson report and understand how the numbers were derived. I have no basis for challenging them and accordingly I am comfortable with endorsing the relevant requested endorsements..

There are several requested endorsements which are not “mechanical” as they are for urban expansions.  In Schomberg an urban boundary expansion is proposed to enable designation of lands for employment. (#18)  In King City an urban boundary expansion is proposed to enable designation of lands for commercial. (#19) Both cases are being proposed as each village has inadequate land within its urban boundary to provide the required acreage.  In both cases the proposed land to be added to the urban area is in protected countryside of the Greenbelt. Given the latter and my earlier comment about commitment to respecting the GB Plan I can only consider the possibility of these two  concepts because of policies within the GB Plan which permit very modest expansions provided that natural heritage systems are not compromised. (As reviewed in the report magnitude of “modest” is very clearly defined.)

  • The proposed King City expansion is problematic in that it is not connected to King City as it’s well west of Jane St. On lands southeast of 400/King Rd. My question is how will it serve King City residents?
  • If designated as land for commercial uses warehouses would be precluded as the warehouses of today e.g  Blackwood are considered uses for employment areas.  We would have the opportunity to  define what uses we want to see there e.g.  big box stores, grocery stores, facilities offering recreational activities to name a few.  And we can identify conditions for site plan in terms of landscaping. The latter is wanted to differentiate what we are offering on the 400 corridor versus what is offered further south.
  • At this point I am willing to endorse further analysis of this site (#19).  I understand that there is a watercourse and the implications of that needs to be better understood.
  • I am going to ask planning staff to confirm other options other than forcing it into the current urban boundaries.  I don’t believe that latter is acceptable as it would necessitate more intensification of residential and building higher in order to create the space.

As indicated in #20 I think it appropriate to further analyse whether in this OP Review we designate the Whitebelt lands; at this point there is not enough information. I say “this” OP Review as in 5 years it will be reviewed again and we could do so then.

In Nobleton there are several big choices to be made about land designations. I think the criteria being used to evaluate each of the choices is useful.  I’m very interested to hear more about this on Monday evening.  At this point I cannot comment on the recommendation that Council should direct Staff to resolve the deferral of a decision about lands in Laskay.

And as always deputations can be made; To do so please register at clerks@king.ca by noon on February 24. If you prefer you can e-mail your comments to clerks@king.ca and they will be distributed to Council members and appropriate staff.


  1. Nancy Hopkinson

    Either you support the Greenbelt or you don’t. Allowing the Greenbelt to be carved up in small chunks, means that the Greenbelt has no future. Supporting anything on the Greenbelt is a mistake. Do not do it.

    • Debbie

      What is proposed is not “carving up the GB in small chunks.” I would welcome ideas how to address the need i.e. more land for commercial in King City. We have seen where Province will step in and make land use decisions. The PPS says that we need to designate land for commercial. Given that I do not think this location is perfect given its disconnect with King City I can’t argue that this is a really good solution but it may be better than what a Minister in Queens Park would decide.

  2. James Bruce Craig

    Hi Debbie,
    I very much appreciate how you routinely share information about many important matters before Council such as the King OP Review and your thoughts about various aspects. I agree with you that the proposed expansion of King City to accommodate new commercial at Hwy 400 is problematic. In terms of sound, efficient community planning for King City that guides the creation of a healthy, walkable complete community, the Hwy 400 lands are poorly connected to or integrated with the King City community. I believe Commercial at this location would be car-dependent. There are no municipal services at this location, and no transit. What are the additional Township and Regional costs of extending servicing and transit? Your question about who would be served by Commercial at Hwy 400/King Road is very relevant. While I recognize the need to increase the commercial tax base in King and recognize the numbers presented in the Watson Study, I believe that other viable, cost effective, more efficient options need to be explored. For example, at the Coppa’s plaza, the commercial is almost all at only one level. Could there not be commercial expansion at this plaza by adding a second level to the various commercial buildings at this location and make better use of the land? Incorporating well-designed mixed use in the core area could expand commercial in King City. Commercial located near where significant residential areas are makes most sense in what I think of in sound, efficient community planning. I am concerned abound expanding into the designated Greenbelt Countryside, as I believe this high level provincial plan needs to be upheld and not eroded. Thank you for consideration of these comments.

    • Debbie

      I appreciate your suggestions as to how there could be more commercial space within the current urban boundary. there is no question….the proposed location will be car dependent as is anything on the 400 corridor. The proposed commercial lands does not violate the GB: less than 10 ha, assessment of impact on natural heritage to be assessed.

  3. Dorita Peer

    A lot of thought seems to be going into King’s plans for development.

    IMO lands bordering the 400 are subject to intense pollution by fossil emissions, salt spray and noise, and unsuitable for either agriculture, habitation or recreation. Light industry seems a good choice and would serve the community through jobs and taxes.

    Decisions regarding the Greenbelt should aim at preserving old growth, wilderness buffering watersheds and linking wildlife corridors, else species will die out.

    Among the buildings there should be plenty and large areas of treed natural park space. Many homes built in the future will likely have very small yards, token gardens. A community where Nature is a valued contributor to physical and mental health could proudly call itself an advanced community.

    • Debbie

      Thanks Dorita for some different perspective about the proposed commercial lands for King City. Driving by it is evident that the land is being actively farmed but as you say there is lots of emissions and other pollutants affecting it. Regarding your thoughts about natural spaces: this will be reviewed in the next phase. I anticipate a new discussion paper dealing with parks, recreational spaces.


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