Welcome to my blog! MY primary objective is to alert my constituents and others in King Township about issues being reviewed at the upcoming Council meetings. I do this as I believe the quality of Council decisions is enhanced when the public is engaged. I hope that residents will make deputations and/or send emails to Council to express their opinion and/or to ask important questions. Also, I include notice of meetings and events which I think are particularly important. I welcome your comments, whether you agree or not with me, and only edit to eliminate inappropriate language.
Recent Posts
Population, Housing and Employment Forecast
The September 23rd Council agenda includes a report about population, housing and employment forecasts through to 2051. There will be a presentation of this report. Those forecasts are yet to be finalized, but pending Council approval on 9/23 Staff is going to explore a higher employment area target, finalize density and intensification targets for the various identified areas and will review...
Hwy 27 and Wellington st. Development
At the September 23rd Council there is a recommendation to approve the zoning bylaw amendment application and it's implementing bylaw for the development including several properties on Hwy. 27 and at 15 Wellington St. The application proposes a development of a 160 unit mixed-use building with a maximum height of six stories; the ground floor will have commercial space and various sized...
Amendments For Priestley Demolition
At the September 23rd Council there is a recommendation to approve applications to enable development at the two properties on Lloydtown Aurora Rd west of Jane where Priestly Demolition operates. Specifically, the applications include amending the Official Plan to implement a site specific hamlet employment countryside policy area and to implement a zoning bylaw amendment. At the 9/23 meeting...
Notice of motion Re Speed humps
There is a motion by Councillor Cescolini to expedite speed hump installation on Tatton Court. I have no background information on it at this point so will not comment on my thoughts on the matter except to say that everywhere people are speeding; traffic calming is required in many places. Notice has been given for this motion. If you wish to make a deputation at Council and/or make comments to...
Hello Catherine, I do appreciate you making your comment. Since reading it I have asked some questions about the issue…
Hello Debbie, I am a long time King City senior who has been attending aquafit classes in Maple. Aquafit is…
Thank you for the good news, Debbie Wishing you a wonderful New Year...swimming and sporting, and other good things.
Hello Sheila, I do not anticipate that this Policy is going to need to less “colourful deputations” at Council. Your…
Inappropriate public negative behaviour is generally routed in prior events or encounters with someone or something. A child’s or adult’s…