Welcome to my blog! MY primary objective is to alert my constituents and others in King Township about issues being reviewed at the upcoming Council meetings. I do this as I believe the quality of Council decisions is enhanced when the public is engaged. I hope that residents will make deputations and/or send emails to Council to express their opinion and/or to ask important questions. Also, I include notice of meetings and events which I think are particularly important. I welcome your comments, whether you agree or not with me, and only edit to eliminate inappropriate language.
Recent Posts
King Community Climate Action Plan
A draft of the long awaited climate action plan for the community is now available. On Monday April 15 there is a Council working session where it will be presented and Council will have opportunity to ask questions. The last paragraph of the executive summary states the purpose of the plan well: "We all have actions to take and a role to play as we combat a changing climate. We do not ask you...
Neighbourhood Plan Studies
Studies are starting for two areas, one in Nobleton and one in King City, to develop a vision for how we want these areas to evolve. I posted about these studies earlier and provided incorrect dates; the errors have now been corrected. The events for the Nobleton one are Tuesday April 16 and the ones for King City are Thursday April 18. The afternoon sessions include a walking tour to present...
Gardening Workshops
A 3 part gardening series is being held at Cold creek Conservation Area. The series is being offered by Community services. I apologize for not posting earlier as the first one, "Pollinators in Crisis" has already occurred. The subsequent sessions are about attracting pollinators and and planting a pollinator garden. The sessions are led by led by Master Gardeners, Steven and Josie Turner....
Buildings In Face of Climate Change
Reminder: Wednesday, March 27 7PM at Heritage and Cultural Centre hear Chris Ballard, CEO passive House Canada; good chance to ask your questions. His talk will follow the annual general meeting of Climate action King. .
All good questions! That’s why there are these public meetings.
Hi Debbie, Thank you for highlighting this application for a zoning by-law amendment to allow for an on-farm diversified use.…
Hello Sheila, Glad you have checked out the Zancor Centre. 1. Regarding your concern about harassment in the co'ed change…
Having toured the facility, I do have a major concern about the co’ed change room and shower facilities. I personally…
Hello Catherine, I do appreciate you making your comment. Since reading it I have asked some questions about the issue…