Welcome to my blog! MY primary objective is to alert my constituents and others in King Township about issues being reviewed at the upcoming Council meetings. I do this as I believe the quality of Council decisions is enhanced when the public is engaged. I hope that residents will make deputations and/or send emails to Council to express their opinion and/or to ask important questions. Also, I include notice of meetings and events which I think are particularly important. I welcome your comments, whether you agree or not with me, and only edit to eliminate inappropriate language.
Recent Posts
2 Lots Into 3 on Banner Lane
On April 29 council agenda there is a staff report recommending approval of applications for the current 2 properties at 31 and 37 Banner Lane; impact of the approvals is creation of three new lots 3. Its evident that effort has been made to create three lots with dimensions compatible to the defined established neighbourhood. I am curious to understand if these new lots will still be eligible...
Motion To Protect Heritage
On April 29 council agenda there is a motion tabled by Councillor Asselstine which I have seconded regarding a request to the Province to extend the deadline for removal of heritage properties listed on the municipal registers. I am very happy to second this motion as the current timeline of January 1, 2025 does not allow adequate time for the research and analysis of the 164 listed properties...
New Street Names
On April 29 council agenda there is a staff report recommending street names for the King Jane Industrial Holdings Development at southeast corner of King Rd/Jane. The two names are very appropriate and are in line with our policy of assigning historic names to new streets within King City. “Lorne Burbridge Drive” is named after Lorne Burbridge who was the Fire Chief of the King City Fire...
Digital Transformation Presentation
The first item on the April 29 Council agenda is a presentation called "Digital Transformation Framework." As the municipality is putting resources towards leveraging digital technology to provide quality services and experiences to King I think this will be a very worthwhile presentation. I encourage you to come to the Chamber or tune in to hear it.
The details for maintaining our infrastructure are amazing.
The management efforts are most impressive...I had no idea.
Stops signs and excellent idea. Sixty km seems enough IMO, owing to the hills and driveways.
There have been numerous accidents at the 10th Concession and the 17th Sideroad. One accident recently was fatal. Surely that…
Thank you Debbie, What an important day to celebrate! I know in our lifetime, we have come a long way…