Welcome to my blog!  MY primary objective is to alert my constituents and others in King Township about issues being reviewed at the upcoming Council meetings.  I do this as I believe the quality of Council decisions is enhanced when the public is engaged.  I hope that residents will make deputations and/or send emails to Council to express their opinion and/or to ask important questions.  Also, I include notice of meetings and events which I think are particularly important.   I welcome your comments, whether you agree or not with me, and only edit to eliminate inappropriate language.

Recent Posts

Beharriell Briefings

There is a new event scheduled for Sunday, Oct.29 4pm:  the Beharriell Briefings.  Everyone is invited to participate either as an attendee or to make a 3-5 minute "briefing" which presents a solution to one of the four (4) problems identified below.  There is no age restriction; all the schools in King Township have been invited to participate by sending a representative from their school to...

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Traffic Calming in King City

Throughout the 2022 municipal election campaign every candidate heard that there was a need for traffic calming.  In 2023 in Ward 5 work has been done to address the issue in 2 areas:  the network of streets leading to the GO train station  and the neighbourhood west of Keele/north of King Road (which includes Martin, Norman, Melrose, Hambly, Charles). As summarized below traffic calming has...

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Road improvements in Ward 5

Five (5) Projects to improve roads are being implemented over the next couple months; two are in Ward 5.  Keele Street from Lloydtown Aurora Road to Kettleby Road for rehabilitation. The other project is the 18th Sideroad,Jane west to Hwy 400 which will be converted from gravel to pavement. The final stage of both projects will be done in spring 2024 when top course asphalt will be placed. As...

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Official Plan Review: process begins

The Special Council meeting September 26 is an introduction to the Official Plan Review  There will be a presentation and then comments and questions from public and Council members.  As explained upfront the review (which to be clear is a review in order to update it) is very necessary.  First it is necessary as prescribed by the legislation.  Secondly there have been important changes in terms...

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Recent Comments

  1. Hi Nancy, It is so easy to be cynical, particularly these days. It is correct that every nomination does not…

  2. Volunteer Awards Thank you for providing the links to those years. I just remember years ago there were lots of…