Welcome to my blog!  MY primary objective is to alert my constituents and others in King Township about issues being reviewed at the upcoming Council meetings.  I do this as I believe the quality of Council decisions is enhanced when the public is engaged.  I hope that residents will make deputations and/or send emails to Council to express their opinion and/or to ask important questions.  Also, I include notice of meetings and events which I think are particularly important.   I welcome your comments, whether you agree or not with me, and only edit to eliminate inappropriate language.

Recent Posts

Go Electric

Go Electric

  Go Electric on September 10 is an easy, pleasant way to learn about the products now available as alternatives to the traditional ones fuelled by fossil fuels.  And what you will learn is that the all electric ones are superior in performance.  You can talk  to current owners and users; and there will be representatives from some of the producers and sellers.  And if you haven't driven an...

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Zoning Bylaw Amendment on the 10th Concession

At the Council Planning Meeting on September 5 there is report on a zoning bylaw amendment application to enable the construction of a secondary dwelling unit for the purpose of farm help accommodation.  I assume that there is no need to justify a second house as I think such is now permitted as of right because of Bill 23.  But there needs to be compliance with the zoning bylaw re:  size,...

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Ways To Know What IS Happening In King

If you haven't done so I strongly recommend that you subscribe to the King Bulletin.  It will land in your inbox at the beginning of each month with an extensive list of activities and events in the Township. And I also recommend signing up for the weekly eblast from Arts Society King. 

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Go Electric

Go Electric

This is the 3rd event hosted by Climate Action King.  Previous ones got high marks from attendees. This event featuring more vendors showcasing products powered by electric promises to be even better. As evident from the products shown at event replacing gas powered ones for electric ones can be a very positive experience.

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Recent Comments

  1. Hi Nancy, It is so easy to be cynical, particularly these days. It is correct that every nomination does not…

  2. Volunteer Awards Thank you for providing the links to those years. I just remember years ago there were lots of…